Asset Tracing
Tracing is utilized in marital dissolutions, civil litigation and criminal cases. The purpose is the same, telling the story of where the money or assets came from, and where they went. Tracing can be for proving, or disproving, sole and separate claims in a marital dissolution. We have experience in tracing the flow of funds over numerous decades using a wide gamut of information. We will work with you to obtain relevant information and help tell the true story of what really occurred. Our experienced forensic accounting team can aggregate and analyze a massive amount of transactions and present our findings in clear understandable manner.
We have experience in using various methods of tracing including: direct tracing, exhaustion/recapitulation, lowest intermediate balance, family expense method, indirect method, marital-assets-out-first, pro-rata method, apportionment, mechanical tracing, first-in first-out, last-in-last out, and various other versions of these methods often used in connection with one another. We have taught classes to attorneys and CPAs regarding tracing cases and methodology and have helped shape the case law for Arizona on tracing. No tracing project tis too small or too big for us.
Tracing Assignments:
- Sole and separate claims,
- Community property claims,
- Marital waste,
- Embezzlement,
- Breach of contract,
- Partnership disputes,
- Criminal investigation,
- Civil investigation.